Upcoming Events and Programs
Candlelight Christmas EveJoin us for our "Lessons and Carols"
Candlelight Christmas Eve Service on Tuesday, December 24, 5:30 PM. The magic and miracle of this night remind us of the great gift that our presence is in the world. Tuesday, December 24, 5:30 PM
Parents' ConversationJoin with other parents in talking about how to raise your children with our shared values.
Each month's conversation focuses on information we read in an article. This month the focus is on deep listening. Sunday, November 17
Holiday Sing-A-LongCelebrate the songs of the season at our
family-friendly Throop Holiday Sing-A-Long! We’ll gather ‘round on Saturday, December 14, 2 - 3:30 PM and sing songs led by Malcolm Hawkes. Bring cookies to share, and we will provide hot cocoa. Saturday, December 14, 2 - 3:30 PM
View previous Sunday services on our YouTube Channel